Group Coaching

Empowerment Together:
Group Coaching

Step into a nurturing space of collective growth with our Empowerment Together: Group Sessions. In these interactive, 2-hour weekly meetings, limited to just 10 participants, become part of a close-knit community seeking mutual progress.

These sessions offer a unique shared journey, where your story intersects with others, providing diverse perspectives and insights. Designed to foster personal development, each member both contributes to and benefits from our group’s collective wisdom.

Access to these exclusive group coaching calls is available through joining my Patreon at the $10 per month tier. Additionally, I invite you to join our Facebook group, where we hold periodic community chats that are open to all members. This is a wonderful opportunity to continue engaging and growing with our community in an open and supportive environment.

Join us to discover the empowering effect of shared stories and experiences, forging your path to personal achievement and relational harmony.

Not Sure if Your Ready? 
Schedule a free 15 minute Chemistry call with Jenn today!

Community Voices